Monday, September 28, 2020

Big Clue On The Identity Of The Mystery Person Returning To NXT

Big Clue On The Identity Of The Mystery Person Returning To NXT
As noted, last week's NXT episode featured a new teaser vignette from an unknown mystery person, who said that he's set to return at the upcoming "Takeover: 31" event.

Reddit user @Bsantoro10, noticed that the teaser video that aired last week on NXT includes a poster from TakeOver: Orlando.

If you look closely at the screenshot posted below, you can see part of the poster that shows Andrade’s face. The photo of Andrade matches up with the TakeOver: Orlando poster.

We will find out who this mystery person is on October 4 at TakeOver: 31 but many fans on social media have guessed that this person is either Bo Dallas or Bobby Roode.

All signs point to Roode returning to NXT since it was reported last week that he was about to return to WWE TV. The poster being featured in the video teaser seems to back up the theory about the Glorious version of Roode making his return.

Big Clue On The Identity Of The Mystery Person Returning To NXT