Monday, September 28, 2020

Rob Van Dam Departs Impact Wrestling

Rob Van Dam Departs Impact Wrestling
Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes are no longer with Impact Wrestling, according to a report from PWInsider. Van Dam had returned to Impact Wrestling in early 2019.

According to the report, Van Dam and Forbes left the company due to their current storylines ending. Van Dam had reportedly not been under contract with Impact for awhile and had been working on a series of short-term agreements.

Van Dam discussed his future with Impact earlier this month. The former WWE Champion noted that it would not be too big of a deal for him if he left the company.

"If the relationship ends, then I also won't be like shot," RVD told Wrestling Inc. "It always throws me for a loop when they're surprised that people you let go or fired. 'Oh my God, I can't believe so and so.' I'm like, I believe it. I've been the business 30 years. It happens, although I've never gotten fired in my life, but I am one of if not the most expensive guy in the dressing room. When they use me, they don't even have me and Katie [Forbes] on the entrance. She noticed on the intro.

"So when I watch stuff like that, it's like, I don't know some of these decisions. I don't know if they are trying to get a rub off me and and then handle on their own or whatever, but I'm easygoing with whatever their plans are. So the good thing about all that is not really having any emotional investment in too much. In other words not giving a bleep. There's a book I recommend 'The Simple Art of Not Giving a Bleep.' I recommend it. It's an audio book on YouTube too, and I listen to it. I'm like dude, this is such a good way to explain to people like quit stressing out. You have so many f's you can give. You got to be choosy about where you give them. Don't care about everything."

In an interview with Pro Wrestling Junkies, Van Dam revealed that he was working with WWE on a couple of projects that haven't been made public yet.